Thanks to Jo for sharing these gorgeous photos of King George taken on February 20th at the BOK Arena......
That "look" gorgeous.....:)
That is one fine looking butt.....I read somewhere the other day whether there's any other entertainer whose butt has been more photographed than George's....I sincerely doubt it...LOL.....
Jo said George surprised the fans by singing "Take Me Back to Tulsa" during his encore and that the crowd was going absolutely was nice of him to treat them to that classic swing number....the photo above and 2 below were taken during that song....
This 3-photo sequence (above and 2 below) show George shaking hands...always a special moment for his fans....notice the look on the girl's face just below (the girl between George's legs)...the sheer delight that she got that money shot...LOL....priceless....
George stops to pose for a photo....before the cowboy rides away.....