George performed a superb concert at the new Gwinnett Arena, just northeast of Atlanta, on February was the Arena's first-ever concert and what a way to kick it off with the King of Country Music strutting his stuff for over 14,000 adoring fans!!!  I was fortunate to be there, right up front...and was able to take home some wonderful memories...and a few photos...enjoy!!
Lucky for me I kept a steady hand when George stopped in front of me...
He looked at me...sigh...takes your breath away sometimes...
Showing off the million dollar smile...
Is this man having fun or what??
Front and back...luscious from any angle...
Up close and personal...good view of the teeth too...LOL...
George often bites his lower lip....humm...that's not all I'd like to bite...hehe...
Mmmm...mmmm....look at those kissable lips...and that lickable chin scar...YUM...
Kick 'em up George!!!!